“What Is Dyslexia?”
Desktop Wireframe
As someone who has dealt with dyslexia their entire life, I knew I wanted to create a responsive set of website wireframes revolving around every aspect/question/resource I utilized in my time of learning how to live with such a common yet misunderstood learning disability. I created a set of Desktop, Tablet and Handheld phone wireframes all of the same website, all while editing and copywriting the information provided.
Website Design | Figma | Wireframes | Responsive
Tablet Wireframe
This version of the wireframe called for a change in wording for the interactive elements and a significant change in dimensions in every element on the page.
Smart Phone Wireframe
This version of the wireframe, again, called for a change in wording for the interactive elements and a significant change in dimensions in every element on the page, most of all the amount of words being seen on the screen at one time. These changes were necessary when taking into account the change of screen size.